Sunday, November 23, 2008

#7 (6:33 - 6:50)

"Write down this ancient truth and re-read it on a daily basis. When you seek happiness for yourself, it will always elude you; when you seek happiness for others, you would find it yourself."

bill_gates_malaria,0-743195 Bill Gates: 'Malaria is robbing Africa of people and potential.'

The first idea that came to mind was the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. I believe this is because I have spent some time reading and understanding all that they do. They have really thought out how they can best serve the world; doing the most good for the most people without any sort of bias for race, region, ethnicity, but just helping those that drew the short straws in life.

This message told me that one usually finds ones own purpose in the service of others. I truly believe that one can ultimately realize one's true self through the service of others. It does not have to be anything in specific, but just in our day to day lives. Be considerate of others today, hold the door open for someone today, help someone with something that they may need today, go out of your way one time today to assist a friend, or better yet, a stranger.

This allows us to connect to our Self because it shows us that we are not separate from anyone else. We are all one. This is what service is ultimately; the realization of the oneness of us all. We will learn to be compassionate, loving and be conscious of what others are experiencing around us. In this way, we will grow into a true expression of God; love.

God bless.


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